General Support Information
We want you to be satisfied!
It is our sincerest desire that you have a fun, creative, and stimulating experience with Magic. Unlike other software companies that are impossible to get in touch with, we pride ourselves on our relationships with our customers, and we love to hear your feedback. So if you have any questions, comments, suggestions, problems, or bugs to report, please visit us on our forums. Registration is completely free and open to anyone, and there are already hundreds of answered questions, including a Frequently Asked Questions page, a variety of tutorials, and many extra resources.
We'd also love it if you followed us on our Facebook page. We provide up-to-date release announcements when new versions of Magic are available, and other fun links and information.
If you have a customer service matter you'd like to discuss with us, such as with your payment or license key, please contact us directly. We will get back to you as soon as humanly possible.
If you're a business customer, you can also visit our premium services page for additional support options. We do provide support via telephone or Skype, but it is billed at our hourly consulting rate.