Although there are lots of fun things to see there, my interest is always in new audio and MIDI products, specifically those that could relate to Magic in some way. Here are a few of the most interesting things I saw (which I had never seen before). As usual, the most innovative products come from smaller companies

Note: I am not endorsed by these companies/products in any way. The following are my own independent observations.
Kagura ( - A unique piece of software which was the grand prize winner of the Intel Perceptual Computing Challenge in 2013. It can use a camera as a gestural controller for triggering MIDI notes. It works best with the RealSense 3D camera, but any standard webcam will work too. I thought it might be cool to use this to control visuals in Magic with your arms/hands.
LinnStrument ( - A very expressive pressure-sensitive MIDI controller. It uses a lot more of the MIDI specification than most instruments, resulting in highly nuanced control. The only downside is that it's very expensive.
Keith McMillen Instruments ( - Some of the coolest-looking standard MIDI controllers I saw.
Dualo Du-Touch ( - A truly unique musical instrument and MIDI controller which looks like an accordion. It's really intended as a musical composition/performance tool, so it probably wouldn't work well just to control visuals by themselves. But, it would certainly be interesting to compose/perform music and visuals together.
Hercules P32 DJ ( - Another cool-looking standard MIDI controller.
ADX Trax ( - A Mac app that lets you remove/extract vocals from mixed music. I thought it might be interesting to take your favorite song, rip out the vocals as a separate track, and load it into Magic to visualize individual notes using the Best Pitch feature.
There were also a bunch of products I'd seen before, but they deserve honorable mention

Novation ( - Fun MIDI controllers.
Korg ( - A few new products for 2016.
Bome ( - Their MIDI Translator product can do a lot of interesting things, such as using MIDI to open applications.
That's it for now -- hope you found it useful!