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Simple Fading

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Simple Fading

Post by olazzzzz »

Hi everyone,

Hi have one scene that I would like to activate and deactivate by MIDI - switching power on/off
I am using the trigger (0.5) and wrap (2.0) as explained here: viewtopic.php?p=4407#p4407

Now, I would like to have it activate with a fade in, and deactivate with a fade out.
Is there a way to achieve this? I have tried many different possibilities, and have come to a point of such confusion that it is even difficult to retrace my steps.
My most hopeful attempt was to create a scene fading in, and a duplicate scene fading out, and activating those with different MIDI notes. The problem is that after trigger the OUT scene, it remains with power on, and I wanted to have turned off but ready for another triggering at will.
I hope you can understand the situation, thanks for your help.
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Re: Simple Fading

Post by Sadler »

Add some smoothing...
Screenshot 2024-02-22 184808.png
Screenshot 2024-02-22 184808.png (13.13 KiB) Viewed 10074 times
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Re: Simple Fading

Post by olazzzzz »

Thanks Sadler, in your solution I believe that whether the scene would be visible or not, it would anyway still be running.
This is something I wanted to avoid not to use up my PC resources, and therefore I was working with powering on and off.
This screenshot shows what I'm trying to achieve - again, with fade in and out on triggering.
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Location: London, UK

Re: Simple Fading

Post by Sadler »

Yes, the scene or media would still be running. But you could also have a power off on the scene that activates when the fade is complete. Sync the two nodes using a global.
Screenshot 2024-02-22 212809.png
Screenshot 2024-02-22 212809.png (40.12 KiB) Viewed 10068 times
Also, depending on your exact use-case, a multimix may work for you. That will turn off inputs that aren't being mixed.
Posts: 15
Joined: Fri Sep 25, 2020 10:40 am

Re: Simple Fading

Post by olazzzzz »

Thank you very much Sadler.
Based on your previous answer I got to work and managed with the following combo, although yours is probably more elegant and efficient.

Thanks again! Was stuck here for the past 36h :D
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