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Newbie needing Magic files!

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2024 9:35 pm
by Sharkford
Hi everyone!

I'm completely new to Magic and looking forward to playing around. I am however, in quite a rush to put together a visual set for a 4 hour long DJ set (pre-recorded). The sample projects are a great start and I will of course create some of my own visuals but I was wondering if anyone would be willing to share their .magic files to help fill in the gaps!

I've only got a short time (a few weeks) to fit some visuals to the mix, so any help would be greatly appreciated!

I don't know if this is against the rules, so apologies in advance!

Much love, S.

Re: Newbie needing Magic files!

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2024 11:19 am
by Sadler
Hey sharkford,

Not many rules in this forum and I don't think anyone would mind you asking. The technical side of visuals is a relatively small part, in my opinion, and most of my thinking goes into what is new, interesting, awesome, perfect, whatever. This is the first downside to your request.

You have a four hour set to fill. For this sort of length, I'd want to prepare maybe 300-400 scenes with each scene having several variations within. This gives the freedom to change to new visuals when the music changes and to try to match the vibe in the music. That is a lot. That is the second downside.

Most of my scenes gather a range of media and effects I've created or gathered and placed within a workflow that suits me. Even if folks were to send you their .magic files, you'd also need all their media and effects. This is the third downside.

However, you have several weeks and, as long as your not attempting to match every change in a 4 hour set, you should be able to come up with a significant portion of a reasonable set, with the added bonus that your learn magic and develop a workflow. That is a big upside.

I've done a number of tutorials aimed at newbies to moderately experienced users:
and another not in that thread:

And, finally, if you have any questions about how to achieve your own ideas, ask away.

Re: Newbie needing Magic files!

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2024 12:28 pm
by sameloop
If you have a few weeks, you’ve definitely got time to learn enough to get some nice visuals together - I’ve done that for a similar length set within a similar time frame, and with not much expertise. The thing about Magic is once you start playing with even the fairly basic stuff, you can get something cool looking that responds to sound (or MIDI) quite quickly. Then once you’ve got lots of little scenes together, you can easily put them in a playlist that’s manually or automatically triggered, depending on how much interaction you want or need to have. Then, as Sadler says, you’ve got the bonus of having learned how to use it better.