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2 different lyrics visualizations

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Posts: 141
Joined: Mon May 17, 2021 10:40 am

2 different lyrics visualizations

Post by TKS »

My 2 latest music visualizations to make song lyric videos a little less boring, maybe you like the general idea:

Video 1:
Video 2:
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Joined: Mon Mar 27, 2023 11:33 am

Re: 2 different lyrics visualizations

Post by cremoer »

I think, the idea is quite good in general.

But I would perhaps try to use different effects in the different sections of the song (intro / chorus / verse etc.) to emphasize things according to their meaning. Or simply let certain words stick out, for example, if they are important (or if they are the title of the song). Or even passages without effects, if there is nothing, that needs an effect in a certain situation...

But to answer this finally, the question is perhaps: What do you want to achieve with the lyrics? Should it only be an information, do you want to make a video to a song or a karaoke version of it?
Posts: 141
Joined: Mon May 17, 2021 10:40 am

Re: 2 different lyrics visualizations

Post by TKS »

cremoer wrote:But to answer this finally, the question is perhaps: What do you want to achieve with the lyrics? Should it only be an information, do you want to make a video to a song or a karaoke version of it?
Thanks for you feedback!
The lyrics are just for information.
Before, I made complete music videos, but they take up way too much time that I'd rather invest in new music.
And just showing the lyrics is a bit too boring, so I build something around it.
It's not particularly sophisticated, but it's simple, a bit different and does the job.
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