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NDISender - Performance

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NDISender - Performance

Post by frank_halfwong »

Hi everyone,

I've just setup everything to have a NDISender on some of my scenes so that OBS can do some overrides of the MMV playlists (swapping OBS scene for one that takes NDISender instead of MMV Spout)

There is a significant performance drop when fetching NDI sender instead of SpoutV2. I have the latest NDI patch (runtime 4.5) in OBS and running an RTX3080 on an i5-8600k.

Am i doing something wrong?

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Re: NDISender - Performance

Post by Magic »

NDI is much slower than Spout. NDI should only be used between different computers. On the same computer, always use Spout.
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Re: NDISender - Performance

Post by frank_halfwong »

Thanks, that explains a lot. The problem is that i wanted to send two different video streams from MMV to OBS. Is there a workaround that currently exists?
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Re: NDISender - Performance

Post by riptide76 »

Hey Frank, are you running this all on 1 computer or over multi computer? If you are just running on one,
I just syphon client (I;m running macs) in OBS to add my "Scene" window into OBS if you are running one computer, if you are running more than one computer I use Syphon to "NDISyhon" to change them into NDI and will bring them into a different computer (pc or mac). At time I will see a drop in quality at time thought, and not sure how to fix, but also haven't really looked into it.

If you have a different set up, please let us know, maybe we can give you a work around.
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Re: NDISender - Performance

Post by frank_halfwong »

Hi riptide76,

I'm running everything magicmusicvisuals off one computer. So MMV currently use the main sender to OBS. I would like to send more than 1 sender to OBS (the stream would only have the main) but I want the ability in OBS to record a different scene which would , if possible with this thread, receive a 2nd sender feed from MMV.

Let me know if you have a workaround! U had tried NDI as mentioned in the the OP, but performance was horrible even if it's all running off one computer. (I have an RTX3080)
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Re: NDISender - Performance

Post by Magic »

Frank, another user recently posted about wanting multiple Spout outputs.

A good solution is actually a lot like what is explained in this post: ... =2845#p153

Essentially what you do is set your main graphics resolution to twice as wide as normal. So for example if your scenes are 1920x1080, then set your graphics resolution to 3840x1080.

Then you can send some of your scenes to the left side and some to the right side, using the Translate module.

Then, in the program that's receiving Spout, you simply crop either the left side or the right side.
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