Many years ago I requested user-changeable defaults for the playlist transition duration/style and the scene duration, and I have a vague recollection of this feature being implemented ( ... =xml#p6472
Unfortunately I have lost the details of the specific .xml entries required, and a forum search found only the above link.
I would be very grateful for a reminder of the necessary .xml entries!
Hey Sadler, long time indeed. Good to hear from you
Thanks for your response. My problem wasn't finding the XML, but I do remember that the options were hidden.
It would be good to have a single place in which these and any other options (such as the invaluable "-mi" multiple instance switch) were listed, even if their use is deemed too esoteric for inclusion in the User's Guide.
Good question, I couldn't find them in any other post, but here they are:
defaultTransitionDuration (seconds)
defaultTransitionStyle (0, 1, or 2) (which corresponds to none, crossfade, additive dissolve)
defaultAutoAdvanceDuration (seconds)