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Ableton Link Support

Suggestions for new features for Magic.
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Ableton Link Support

Post by SacredSkull »


This was mentioned once in a post dated 2017, but things have moved on a bit since then!

To be clear, the beat detection in MMV is pretty good, but I think it could be made even better with actual BPM info and start/stop messages from Link.

My particular use case for supporting Ableton Link is beat information from a Denon DJ Prime Go which, as of the onboard OS 2.0, outputs Ableton Link data. Having Link support in MMV means avoiding annoying hacky work-arounds like using an iOS app to convert it to hardware MIDI, then connect that to a MIDI interface which is plugged into the machine running MMV.

There are likely ways of outputting Ableton Link from a DAW into MIDI sharing software, but that's still very much a workaround and having direct Link support in MMV simplifies the process greatly!
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Re: Ableton Link Support

Post by Sajaye »

I get why you'd want Ableton Link in MMV. I've been using Ableton Live 12, and it's pretty cool how it makes things easier. Like, there's this part where I can mix all my music in one place, which could help you, too, with MMV and Link.

Ableton's got this neat way to tag and search for sounds, making finding stuff super quick. And I love playing with the MIDI Generators because they let me create new music. Having Ableton Link directly in MMV would make your life easier, rather than using those complicated setups you mentioned.

FAQ Audio has some good explanations if you want to know more about these things in Ableton. They discuss how these features can make music more straightforward and fun.
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