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Magic 2.21 released

Latest information from the Magic development team.
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Joined: Wed Apr 09, 2014 9:28 pm

Magic 2.21 released

Post by Magic »

Hey guys, we have a new release available, 2.21, which has a few small new features, and some important bug fixes:

- New multi-line code-editing box for Expression modifier. You can access this by selecting "Show Code" from an Expression modifier's menu, or you can have it default to show when you click to edit the modifier by enabling Scene > Scene Editor Options > Show Expression Code By Default.

- New option to re-scan MIDI devices without restarting. Input Sources drop-down menu > Re-Scan MIDI Devices.

- New option to ignore resolution in saved projects. The toggle for this is Window > Magic Window Options > Lock Graphics Resolution, which means that loading a project won't override the graphics resolution you last configured.

- New quick resolution presets for Magic window and quick resolution/fps presets for Export Movie dialog. You'll notice some drop-down menus that let you quickly enter the common YouTube resolutions and fps's. These are just for convenience; you can still manually type in any arbitrary value.

- New keyboard shortcut for Export Movie: Ctrl/Cmd+U.

- Improved MIDI recording with countdown and automatic audio playback. Input Sources drop-down menu > Record MIDI Input.

- Bug fixes:
- Flipped ISF imported images
- Flipped Starfield input during exporting
- Incorrect position of drop-down box content for some module parameters
- Incorrect copied file time/date when collecting assets
- Auto-save overwriting last project folder

I hope you enjoy, and please feel free to post in the General Discussion forum if you encounter any issues.
