After some hours of work with different kind of animated 3D models, I made this little demo to showcase 6 instruments in one Magic box. (The real magician here being Eric of course!)
Some explanations: . My workflow is based on 2 computers one for the music (my main studio machine) and a laptop for MMV. The midi controler is a Korg Trition Taktile connected via USB to the studio computer, and via 5pins/USB converter to the laptop. So it can control both computers, and icing on the cake, Cubase on the studio computer can send midi to the Korg, wich is rerouted to the laptop. Audio is also routed from the Studio soundcard (Motu) to the laptop.
So I can play live with MMV and record midi on Cubase.
I collected 6 projects and assembled them in a final scene. I used 7 midi channels: 6 for the instruments the last one for some extra controls (zoom, rotation)
The side interface was made with RealDrawPro, to match more or less the toyish/basic 3D modeling.
The instruments were designed in Corel Motion studio and exported as 3D parts to be animated in MMV.
I used a trick for the beatbox wich has only 8 pads. Using the "offset" controlled by midi notes, I can reuse the same pad with several midi notes.
The real magic is that my old laptop can handle such a big project! (Well, with some hiccups in real time, but perfect for a video)
Magic Music Box
Re: Magic Music Box
This is awesome! Very well done. I only wish it were longer 

Re: Magic Music Box
Thank you. It's only a brief demo. I plan to make a more serious piece of music, with several intruments including the magic box and previous models.
Recently I was able to map videos (or any scene) on 3D models. So a new instrument is coming...
MMV itself is a magic box: Everytime I experiment with Magic I discover new ways of making things.Thaks also to all the people here sharing tips and tricks.
Recently I was able to map videos (or any scene) on 3D models. So a new instrument is coming...

MMV itself is a magic box: Everytime I experiment with Magic I discover new ways of making things.Thaks also to all the people here sharing tips and tricks.
Re: Magic Music Box
This blew my mind a little.
Still trying to work out the bits mmv did or better phrased, how you got the models to do that.
Thank you for sharing
Still trying to work out the bits mmv did or better phrased, how you got the models to do that.

Thank you for sharing