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Integrated Text Editor for Modifying ISF code

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2017 7:59 pm
by artnik
Hey Eric,

I find that a lot of my time working with Magic involves editing ISF code. The workflow involves either jumping out to the web, or a shader app, saving the ISF file, and copying it back to my Modules folder then replacing the module in Magic's editor window. It's pretty inefficient.

I'd like to suggest a simple code editor within Magic to close the loop. Right-clicking on an ISF module would bring up the ISF code, where it could be edited and the changes update in realtime, similar to the ISF site.


Re: Integrated Text Editor for Modifying ISF code

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2017 5:40 pm
by Magic
Thanks, I did have an idea to add a couple new menu options for ISF modules:
1) Edit -- would load the code into whatever app is associated with ".fs" files on your system
2) Reload -- would reload the code for the module, but keep the module params intact, and perhaps show any error messages

Maybe there's also a way to auto-detect changes to the file so it could be reloaded automatically.

To be honest, an integrated code editor would be a lot of extra work beyond that, and there are already a lot of good ones, so it would probably be further down the road.

Re: Integrated Text Editor for Modifying ISF code

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2017 7:41 pm
by artnik
I though it might be. But, those other options sound great, especially the RELOAD. That would tighten the loop.

Thanks Eric.