Hi, recently we've been using Magic (Studio editon) for multiple live shows in Malaysia and Singapore.
Thank you for making this amazing app, love everything about it and will upgrade to Performer edition soon.
We're a team of two people called Kicau-Bilau.
This is one of our projects that was made possible by Magic, projected onto a screen, accompanying our live performance. It took us 5 days to complete the drawing, and about a whole day for the programming. We also had few post-performance sharing sessions and many people were intrigued by how Magic works.
And also, thanks to everyone who shared tutorials and guidance on Youtube and in the forums, we've learned a lot from you guys.
multi-layered hand-drawn illustrations for our live music
Re: multi-layered hand-drawn illustrations for our live music
Beautiful! Great use of parallax and changing themes. Five days for the drawing? Well done.