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Music video with AI generated art

Live performances or exported movies created with Magic.
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Joined: Mon May 17, 2021 10:40 am

Music video with AI generated art

Post by TKS »

Another visualization I created for my own music.

  • AI-generated images, created with Stable Diffusion (see The images are based on the lyrics of the song.
  • Morphing the images into a huge animation sequence (in this case 4320 images) and creating a video out of it
  • Controlling the video via MMV to synchronize it with the music. This part was quite tricky, as a lot of speed changes are required to make the right part of the movie play at the right time. Next time I have to find a better and less time consuming way to do this.
  • Adding some blinky stuff via MMV
  • Done
Not 100% perfect, but does the job:
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Re: Music video with AI generated art

Post by Sadler »

[apologies for hijacking your post] No MMV in this one but this is a recent visual I created for a live gig using stable diffusion. Separate SD sequences spliced together in an regular video editor.

Posts: 142
Joined: Mon May 17, 2021 10:40 am

Re: Music video with AI generated art

Post by TKS »

Sadler wrote:[apologies for hijacking your post] No MMV in this one but this is a recent visual I created for a live gig using stable diffusion. Separate SD sequences spliced together in an regular video editor.
No problem. As you already wrote over at YouTube, there's a huge market for those AI generated images and videos, a) because they are amazing, and b) because you don't have to worry about copyright issues.
MMV is still my preferred choice for controlling everything, though 8-)
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