Some of you might remember when @Sadler introduced PyTorch to generate videos from texts, see ... f=5&t=2737
One problem we discussed privately was that those scripts often create some kind of graffiti of the text and how to avoid that.
This discussion gave me the idea of deliberately using these graffiti texts to visualize lyrics, so I wrote some lyrics for one of my songs as a test.
Doesn't work perfectly because only fragments of the lyrics get visualized so I had to add some MMV stuff to have the complete lyrics, but I'm still quite happy with the result.
And, besides this, I ALWAYS wanted to upload a video with explicit lyrics just to keep their explicit-content-filter-censor-thingy busy, and I guess 4x "fucking moron" does the job
As always, best viewed in HD over at YouTube:
Lyrics visualization
Re: Lyrics visualization
Pretty good - it's not that easy to match ML based techniques to music, never mind lyrics. I've done someone's poetry (unreleased as yet) and some rock without words, but other folks are putting out art that is increasingly coordinated. This video isn't mine but an example of integrating lyrics done quite well using multiple prompts, though it look like the lyrics in this video are achieved through seed images.
Apologies for the non-Magic discussion. Back on-topic next time, promise.
Apologies for the non-Magic discussion. Back on-topic next time, promise.