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Saved Grouped/Chained Modules

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2021 11:27 pm
by yumatripp
I would love to see a sub menu where I could start saving premise chains that I regularly use. I could them name that preset and have it in a folder either on the left with every project I open, or I’m the right click menu with the shaders and all.


Preset idea1: image-color rgb -scale-transform (save name: ImageChain1)

Preset Idea 2: video folder-scale-transform-rotate )(save name: videoscreenMain1)

Etc etc.

Could this be a possibility?

Re: Saved Grouped/Chained Modules

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 2:48 pm
by Magic
Yes that has been requested before and it's a good idea. But there is also an existing function where you can save an individual scene to its own project, and then import it into another project later.